
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Chippy Vintage Kitchen Table

Last week I showed you a wonderful old kitchen sink I found.
This week I found a chippy painted vintage kitchen table.
It was pretty desirable except one of the leaves was broken off and one of the casters needed replaced.

It didn't really need tons of work.

The patina on it is wonderful.

At one time someone had hammered nails in the top. Now the nail heads are a bit rusty.
Who knew at the time that one day that look would be disirable worth having pleasing?


Once we got it on the operating table Mr. ShabbyMr. Crabby removed the injured leaf and glued it back to "good as new."
Sometimes my hubby is as good as gold about fixing things, other times he is a bear.

This is a close-up of the wonderful chippy paint. I dabbed on a coat of poly, then brushed on one more coat "just for good measure".
I didn't want to lose one chip of chippy paint.

After the glue dried overnight we added two large cleats on the seam for added strength.

You can see the dovetail joint for the leg brace.

This was originally sold by Gould & Son, Peru.
To support the leaf when it's open, there's a little board that swivels.
It tucks away nicely when not in use.
Let's see now. Last week I found a kitchen sink, this week I found a kitchen table...
I'm linking with these parties:
Show And Tell Friday
Shabbilicious Friday
Frugal Treasures Tuesday
The Thrifty Groove


  1. Love the chippiness and shape of this table!


  2. LOVE this great table and what a fantastic patina!!


  3. That is one perfect little chippy table! Love the patina! I hear ya about the husbands having hissy fits once in while. I think it's a normal "guy" thing....for whatever reason..... lol! Soooo... we just go with it and charm them, right? :)

    xoxo laurie

  4. This is a wonderful table. Nice to have a handy husband too!

  5. Your table has the most yummy patina!
    I'm happy to be a new follower and hope you'll stop by, Mary Alice

  6. I have to say, that's about the most perfect table I've ever seen. I just love it!

    1. Thank you Jennifer. I will definetly show your comment to Mr. Crabby :) Connie

  7. Hi Connie,
    I love your chippy "new" table. I did the same thing with a big square table my sweetie got me at auction for 50 cents! Love that table.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  8. I love this table, I was wondering if you would link it in my Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop. Here is the link:

    I would love to have anything that you would like to link.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

  9. You did a great job with this table. It is fantastic. I wish I lived closer to Florida so I could check out your shop. I'm so glad you liked my pint sized sink makeover with the little gingham skirt. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  10. It is interesting, isn't it, how these old chippy pieces are "in" now. My Mom would have called it "junk" and never had it in her house! It looks good and great repair job. I'm your newest follower!

  11. Great find! I love the chippy paint and the other colors showing through from previous paint jobs. Excellent! I just found you through The Thrifty Groove. I'm your newest follower and a fellow newbie blogger. Hope you'll come check me out sometime.

  12. Well I am have a little "table-crush" on this wonderful find! It is a great piece. Thank you for joining TTF and have a wonderful week!

  13. Love that table, great find! Love your blog, following you now!


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